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Shine from the inside with Medical Marijuana

16 million people in the US suffer from depression, and 42 million have an anxiety disorder. And even for the 80% of people who don’t have a mental illness diagnosis, it’s safe to assume that most still get sad or anxious from time to time.

Emotional ups and downs are part of life. There’s no magic cure-all to eradicate them. But there are lots of ways that we can learn to cope with our sadness, whether it's only temporary or part of a longer struggle.

Our lifestyle often holds keys to mood stabilization. Some common factors that we can use to uplift our emotions are:

  • Healthy food – Science shows that there is a strong connection between what we eat and how we feel. Doctors often recommend eliminating added sugars, processed foods, fried foods, high-fat dairy and excess amounts of caffeine to help improve emotional well-being.
  • Nutritional supplements – Several vitamin and herbal supplements have shown promise as natural mood enhancers. These include vitamins B and D, fatty acids, amino acid blends and St. John’s Wort, to name a few.
  • Regular exercise – Movement is a good remedy to beat the blues. It’s long been believed that this is because exercise causes a release of endorphins (sometimes known as “happy chemicals”) in our brains. But recent theories propose that exercise may stimulate the production of anandamide, which is an endocannabinoid reported to create a feeling of euphoria, such as the "runner's high" that many of us are familiar with!
  • Restful sleep – A good night’s sleep plays a big role in self-care. Think about how toddlers become cranky when it’s nap time. No matter how old we are, sleep is still an important part of being healthy and happy.
  • Sunlight – Many people notice a correlation between their mood and the weather. Particularly, people who spend time outdoors in the sun may have an easier time maintaining a positive disposition than others.

Aside from these five core areas that support emotional health, there’s another remedy that many people believe to be effective in reducing sadness and easing anxiety – medical marijuana.

The evidence for medical marijuana and emotional health

Medical Marijuana is taking the stage as the newcomer in the health and wellness, with patients and consumers everywhere confirming its benefits. While the medical industry may be lacking in formal studies to substantiate the effects that marijuana can have on our emotional well-being, that doesn’t mean that science has nothing to say.

A recent study of nearly 12,000 sessions found that patients reported 50% reduced depression when using medical marijuana for emotional well-being. The same study revealed that patients experience an average of 58% less stress and anxiety. Interestingly, women were observed to exhibit a significantly higher anxiolytic (stress-reducing) effect than men.

How Exactly Does Medical Marijuana Help You Feel Good?

To understand marijuana’s “feed good” effect, you have to know a little bit about the human endocannabinoid system which is responsible for our mood, memory, cognitive processes, and so much more.

This system is comprised of cannabinoid receptors and endocannabinoids that bind to those receptors, creating responses within our bodies. There are two primary types of endocannabinoids. One of them we mentioned earlier – anandamide – has been shown to stimulate happiness, bliss and joy.

What makes medical marijuana such a powerful medicine is that it has phytocannabinoids that mirror the human endocannabinoid system. THC, the primary cannabinoid in marijuana, and anandamide are basically like twins. They both bond to our CB1 receptors, potentially eliciting similar euphoric responses for most people.

Choose the Right Type of Medical Marijuana for Your Emotional Needs

Medical Marijuana is one of the most complex medicines discovered to date. The plant is divided into three subspecies – medical marijuana sativa, medical marijuana indica and medical marijuana ruderalis. Across those subspecies, there are thousands of strains, each containing various terpenes and more than a hundred different cannabinoids. These elements combine to create unique profiles for each strain that are believed to cause different effects.

So, choosing the right strain of medical marijuana is a little more involved than running down to your local pharmacy to pick up some ibuprofen. The first step is understanding the basic differences between the three types.

  • Medical Marijuana sativa is reported to have more of an energizing effect.  It has been described as uplifting, cerebral, or mentally stimulating.  It may be preferred for daytime use or for patients experiencing low energy, fatigue or depression.  It may not be preferred by patients prone to anxiety.
  • Medical Marijuana indica is reported to have a more sedating effect.  It has been described as a relaxing, calming, full body experience.  It may be preferred for night time use or by patients prone to hyperactivity or anxiety.on the other hand delivers a relaxing and sedative-like effect. 
  • Medical Marijuana ruderalis is less common, because it contains only trace amounts of THC. This means that it does not provide the psychotropic effects that many consumers enjoy. The lack of THC means it typically used for purely medicinal purposes, including mood stimulation.

Each individual’s response to medical marijuana is determined by a variety of factors like their genetics, tolerance level and cannabinoid receptors. But this is a commonly accepted baseline of the effects that most people experience. The specific results you’re trying to get will determine which subspecies you choose.

The Best Medical Marijuana Strains for Anxiety and Depression

Since there are only three main subspecies, choosing between sativa, indica and ruderalis is the easy part. Once you get past this, there are thousands of different strains. It can sometimes be overwhelming, even for experienced cannasseurs.

There are several websites that provide profiles of different strains, sharing information like the flavor profile, overall effects, medical benefits and consumer reviews. Our friends over at Leafly have a great directory that people can use to search for strains by mood, activity, healing effects and more.

Even though everyone’s experience is different, there are a few strains that are commonly used to enhance mood and reduce anxiety. Some favorites are:

  • Blue Dream
  • Green Krush
  • Girl Scout Cookies
  • Granddaddy Purple
  • Jack Herer
  • Harlequin
  • Lamb’s Bread
  • Pineapple Express
    …just to name a few!

The Harvest House of Medical Marijuana blog offers articles about medical marijuana for dispensary shoppers that visit our dispensaries.